Spring is nearly here! / by nicholas Jackson

The snow is finally melting, the birds are singing, it's light out when I leave for work at 06:30 in the morning. Spring is nearly here. Winter in Maine is a long, cold test of endurance but when the snow melts and green pops up everywhere... It all seems worth it. I really didn't do much with photography over the winter because I don't do much over the winter. I like to work as much overtime as I can so that I can enjoy my time off in the summer and enjoy the beautiful weather. Luckily, spring is nearly here and I was able to dust off my camera and go outside. I was happy to wander down to Portland for an impromptu photo shoot with Jenny (@sinbun1). The weather was a little cooler then we were hoping for but so nice compared to the last few weeks. I'm very excited to start shooting more and am actively looking for more talent to work with in the near future! If you're looking to build up your portfolio, have an event you want to be covered, or want family pictures done. get in contact with me. I'm happy to help.

Shot on the Canon 80D with the "nifty 50" or kit 18-55mm.


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